A friend who works for a telecom company raised this question to me just yesterday. Day after day for months without fail, just like an alarm clock, we get bombarded with mails which share product updates, thought leadership articles and event invites. And suddenly, just as Q3 comes to a close, all you get is a seasons’ greeting card. Given this, how can one grouse someone for asking if we are hibernating?
Unlike B2C marketing, where the merry season brings with it sales, discounts and crazy promotional tactics, B2B marketing suddenly takes a back seat. And rightly so! What’s the point in jamming someone’s mailbox when they are either holidaying or, preparing for year-end results or, are knee-deep in planning their next year’s strategy?
These 2 months (15-Dec onwards till mid-Jan and the whole of March), as most have found, are most effective for strategy revisiting. There is less dilution of your concentration and the year-end is a perfect opportunity to analyze what worked and what did not. This is, of course, not to state that B2C marketers do not carry out these activities.
While defining ‘What will my brand speak about next year?’ it will do us good to visit:
1. “What worked and what did not?”
2. “What are the key messages we will talk about”?
3. “Are my people aligned right?”
4. “Which channels will be most effective for me?”
5. “What kind of budgets will I need?”
You will notice that I have put budget-consideration as the last step and that’s the way it would be in the ideal scenario. Unfortunately, this is not the way most organizations see it. B2B marketing is often considered an overhead and changing that mindset will not happen overnight. In the meanwhile, keeping a larger number in mind and then breaking it into different activities and channels might be a good idea. One could always revisit the overall number, towards the end, for tweaking and fine-tuning.