Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Check, Check and Re-check - A Content Writer's Biggest Challenge.

It happens to everyone. You can do an activity number of times but the nth +1 time you will mess up, just because you forgot the 3 magic words – ‘Check, Check and Re-check’. Learning the hard-way is definitely not the way things are supposed to be done but then, as laws of human psychology go, one has to undergo the silent mortification (humiliation being too strong a word) of being corrected before there is, once again, the determination to self-check any piece of work a million times. Content writers, more often than not, will go through this, unfortunately more often than they should.
This quick one-two-three guide is easy to remember and actionize.
  1. Once the work is done, re-read/ re-trace the steps taken and the showcased end-result.
  2. Take a break, ideally an hour – Do anything other than that work. It gives your mind the opportunity to refresh its cache memory.
  3. If it’s a written piece that needs to be submitted then take a print out. What I am suggesting is definitely not ecologically-apt. So please recycle or re-use the sheets lying around. Reading from a paper, akin to a book, creates a more lasting impression and makes it easier to pin-point mistakes.
If there is no immediate deadline to be met then a post-24 hr re-check should give you a fresh perspective.
Now if only, I could stick to my advice and actionize it 24*7*365. Unfortunately, as laws of human psychology would have it, I might find myself at this exact place, sooner or later.


  1. Reminds me of Confidence and Over Confidence - Human mind, its psychology and our Consciousness.

  2. Thanks Tech Guru. Overconfidence often leads to missing the minor details, especially things like grammatical errors etc.
