Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's Valentine - How Marketers can Target Consumers Who Spend!

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane/
What is it about this day that transforms even the unromantics  to roses-carrying-chocolate-bearing-happy-Romeos (and Juliets)? I came across this very cute collection of infographics
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue: 14 Infographics to Say I Love You that has brought together some fun ideas, if you are looking!

This day has a curious effect of us marketers as well - suddenly all the ads and campaigns are about being associated with cupids and hearts and of course, the colour red.  And rightly so! With over 61% consumers celebrating Valentine's Day and an average annual Valentine's Day spending of $13.19 Billion, the market size is tremendous*. The average consumer in the UK spends around $180 on their loved ones, in USA this number is somewhere around  $122 and one sees the largest spends across the Asian market with a whopping average of $268/ consumer.** 

So how will you get the most of this day?

  • · Starting your promotions early gives you a larger mindshare
  • ·  Music-it-up : Catchy jingles and tunes always have a way of grabbing one's attention
  • ·   Involve a "Dinner-for-two" contest - It's Valentine and people like to dine out
  • ·   Get local radio channel to talk about your contest or 'Special-Valentine-Product'
  • ·   Run specific campaigns for colleges and high-schools - Young love needs new gifting ideas
  • ·   Don't forget that this day is also about gifting to relatives, colleagues and even pets
  • ·  Offer a free customized card with every gift purchased
  • ·  Start a 'Two is better than One' sale - offer discounts to couples or, even 'Buy One and Get One Free' offers

 Here is a collection of some infographics I came across on how marketers can leverage the day.


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